Business meeting, final preparatuion for NORPEX
Business meeting, NORPEX preparation
(Rescheduled: Progran by Joel Thompson: Chinese Forgeries Threaten U.S. Postage Stamp Usage
Business meeting, NORPEX preparation, stamp sales from donations.
Business meeting and Club elections
Program: Silent Auction, NORPEX planning, Website review
Business meeting and nominations for officers
Program by Mark Yurkiw: "Conversation with Igor Smilianskyi, director of Ukrposhta (Ukraine Postal Service)"
Annual Holiday Party and Secret Santa Gift Exchange
Business meeting
Program: Douglas B. Quine, Ph.D: "Hiding in Plain Sight: Letter Mail Barcodes, Misdirected Mail, and Modern Postal History"
Business meeting
Program: "Paris Star Cancels, 1863-1875", by Joel Thompson
Business meeting
Program: "An Amalgam of Weird Stuff" by Rich Hoffman
Business meeting and silent auction.
Program: Swap Meet!
Program: viewing of documentary "The Million Dollar Duck" at Bruce Museum, Greenwich
Program: Guest speaker Kenneth C. Sanford, expert on aviation crash mail; director and past president of American Air Mail Society
Planning progams for the year and silent auction of donated material.
Annual picnic and swim party (by invitation)
Program: "Podcast interview by National Postal Museum Director Elliot Gruber of Igor Smelyansky, Director General, Ukrposhta, Ukraine, about the power and the importance of the post office in extreme times."
Business meeting
Program: "Stamps of Ukraine and recent philatelic initiatives" by Mark Yurkiw
Business meeting, and silent auction
Program: "Philatelic truck, Ekko Radio, and Lock Seal stamps" by Ray Memmel
Business meeting, review of new donations
Business meeting, review of new donations
Program: "U.S. Duck Hunting Stamps" by Fred Stunkel
Business meeting
Program: "Quick Look Presentations" by Colleen Adams, Rich Hoffman, Bonnie Adams
Business meeting
Program by Joel Thompson:
Business meeting
Program by Bill Armstrong:
Business meeting; prep for Norpex
Business meeting; prep for Norpex
Progam by Jane Snowdon: Glider Philately Through the Ages
Business meeting; silent auction of donated material. NORPEX 24 planning
GUEST SPEAKER: SCOTT ENGLISH, executive director, American Philatelic Society. Meeting in person, speaker via Zoom
Business meeting and Club elections
Program by Bonnie Adams: Silver Stamps
Annual Holiday Party and Secret Santa Gift Exchange
Business meeting and NORPEX planning.
Program: Collecting Classic Mexico stamps, by Joel Thompson
Business meeting and silent auction.
Program: "The Kohorns - A Jewish success story found in a dollar box of covers" by Mike Clark
Business meeting and program Bonnie Adams: Connecticut's Role in the American Revolution
Business meeting and silent auction of donated material.
Business meeting; review of donated items for auction.
Barbecue and Hawaiian-themed pool party at private residence (by invitation)
Field Trip to Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, Danbury CT
Field Trip to The Spellman Museum of Stamps & Postal History, Weston, Mass.
SILENT AUCTION, Business meeting
Business meeting; auction preview of donated material; discussion of summer schedule
SILENT AUCTION, Business meeting, and review of newly donated material
Business meeting: review of donated material
Presentation by Joel Thompson
Business meeting: review of Norpex 23
NORPEX 23 - Dealers and exhibits
Guest Speaker: David Coogle, Co-Chairman, Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC
Preparation for NORPEX 23
Business meeting, planning for NORPEX 23
Program: Auction for Club Members
Business meeting, planning for NORPEX 23
Business Meeting:: Election of officers, NORPEX planning
Program: Christkindl Cancellations by Bill Armstrong; Ukraine aid
Annual Holiday Party
Dinner and Secret Santa gift exchange
Presentation by Bonnie Adams; club meeting and new member welcome
Auction preview and club meeting
Cover Collecting in the 21st Century, by Rich Hoffman
Death of a Queen: Implications for Philately, by Joel Thompson
* * *
APS Video, Donations and Club Business Meeting
STAMP JEOPARDY! Test your competitive philatelic knowledge!
Club business meeting
Club business meeting, followed by AUCTION PREVIEW
Club Business Meeting
Program: A Successful Campaign to Influence the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee, by Bill Armstrong
Via Zoom: APS video program "Luminescent Tagging"
APS video program "What's the Deal with Pen Cancels?"
Program: The Fine Points of Cover Collecting, by Rich Hoffman
Program: Cancellation Collecting, a presentation by Joel Thompson
Program 1): Stamps in Your Attic (Members will evaluate collections)
Program 2): Worldwide Stamp Identification Quiz, presented by David Dauplaise
Program 1): Stamps in Your Attic (Members will evaluate collections)
Program 2) Presentation by Mark Yurkiw: "Two Truths and a Lie" challenge
Program: World's Fair and Stamps!,presented by Bonnie Adams
Program: Siege of Paris Balloon Mail 1870-1871, presented by Bill Armstrong